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Calendar displaying month view of events on kitchen counter

These days, it’s so hard to organize everyone. I’ve tried a wall planner, a bullet journal, and even a Google Calendar, but none of it worked. Between managing my kids’ Zoom classes and my husband’s and my WFH schedules, things got even harder. That’s when I started doing some research and found the one gadget that’s truly a game-changer, and I can’t recommend it enough this holiday season.

It’s called Skylight Calendar.

Don’t let the name fool you — it’s more than just a calendar. This device displays all of your events in one place. And it’s so easy to set up! All you have to do is turn it on, connect to WiFi, sync your online calendar (Google, Apple, or Outlook), and voila! All of the events are right there on the display—and you can even color code by person. It’s sold out twice this year already, so it’s best to get it early!

Calendar displaying month view of events on top of inspirational sign

Even though I’m not the most tech-savvy, Skylight Calendar has become the one gadget I swear by. I use it for everything and have been recommending it to all of my friends. It’s the tool I didn’t know I needed. And there’s more… through the app, you can edit your grocery list, create a meal plan, and make a to-do list. I had all of my family get the app on their phone, and now we’re all on the same page.

So, do yourself a favor: check out Skylight Calendar at the link below, and get ready to make your life easier.